(1) 国家重点研发计划二级课题:污染土壤-稳定化修复材料的混合动力学及传质能量配置优化研究,主持,2020.1-2022.12
(2) “十二五”科技重大专项:城市污水高含固污泥高效厌氧消化装备开发与工程示范,参与,2013.01-2016.6
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:热水解污泥的流变特性及其强化换热机理研究,参与,2017.01-2020.12
(4) 国家自然科学青年基金项目:中温共晶盐在多孔材料中的相变换热及蓄热特性的基础研究,主持,2012.1-2014.12
(5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:能源与环境工程中的多尺度、跨尺度问题研究,参与,2012.1-2016.12
(6) 科技部973项目:热电材料多尺度结构中传热规律及高效热电转换机理,参与,2011.1-2015.12
(1) Wu ZG, Zhao CY, Experimental Investigations of Porous Materials in High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Systems, Solar Energy, 2011, 85(7): 1371-1380
(2) Li Z, Wu ZG, Numerical study on the thermal behavior of phase change materials (PCMs) embedded in porous metal matrix, Solar Energy, 2014, 99: 172-184
(3) Li Z, Wu ZG, Development of medium-temperature composite phase change material with high thermal stability and conductivity, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2016,155: 341–347
(4) Wu ZG, Sheng WC, Tao WQ, Li Z, A novel experimental-numerical method for studying the thermal behaviors of phase change material in a porous cavity, Solar Energy, 2018, 169(15): 325–334
(5) Wang Qingqing, Zhou Dan, Chen Yuming, Eames Philip, Wu Zhigen, Characterization and effects of thermal cycling on the properties of paraffin/expanded graphite composites, Renewable Energy, 2020, 147: 1131-1138
(6) Wang Huakeer, Lu Wei, Wu Zhigen, Zhang Guanhua, Parametric analysis of applying PCM wallboards for energy saving in high-rise lightweight buildings in Shanghai, Renewable Energy, 2020, 145: 52-64
(7) Lu Wei, Liu Guizhi, Xiong Zhibo, Wu Zhigen, Guanhua Zhang, An experimental investigation of composite phase change materials of ternary nitrate and expanded graphite for medium-temperature thermal energy storage, Solar Energy, 2020, 195: 573-580
(8) Wang Qingqing, Zhou Dan, Chen Yuming, Wu Zhigen, Corrosion of stainless steel 316 in a ternary nitrate salt and its composite with expanded graphite for solar thermal applications, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 219 (2021) 110823
(9) Zhou Dan, Wu Shaowen,Wu Zhigen, Yu Xingjuan, Thermal performance analysis of multi-slab phase change thermal energy storage unit with heat transfer enhancement approaches, Renewable Energy, 2021, 172: 46-56
(10) Wu Zhigen, Qiu Lan, Wu Changchun,Zhou Dan, Study on flow and heat performance of thermal-hydrolyzed sludge in a double-pipe heat exchanger with a series of inner corrugated tubes, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 170: 107160
(1) 吴志根,陶文铨,金属矩阵材料在相变蓄热中的强化换热分析,工程热物理学报,2013,(02):307-309.4
(2) 孙文鸽, 韩磊, 吴志根, . 石蜡/膨胀石墨相变复合材料有效导热系数的数值计算[J]. 复合材料学报, 2015,32(6):1596-1601
(3) 吴志根,吴长春,李卓,热水解污泥在扭曲管中流动换热的数值模拟,15vip太阳成学报(自然科学版),2017,45(1): 64-70
(4) 董登志,张静思,吴志根,李卓,对影响热水解污泥临界剪切应力主要因素的实验研究,环境科学学报,2018,38(2): 553-559
(5) 王青青,范鹏远,陈玉明,吴志根,膨胀石墨 /石蜡复合相变材料热-电特性实验研究,塑料工业,2018,46(9):129-137
(6) 吴志根,邱兰,朱羽廷,吴少文,于幸娟,加湿除湿技术用于高盐工业废水脱盐的实验研究,15vip太阳成学报(自然科学版),2021,49(10): 1435-1442
(1) 吴志根,顾国维,何品晶,陶文铨,一种新式节能型污泥干燥系统,发明专利,中国专利局,申请公布号CN102531322A,已授权,2013
(2) 吴志根,孙文鸽,王刚,李卓,一种蒸汽压缩回收余热的节能污泥干燥装置,发明专利,中国专利局,申请公布号:CN103708702A,已授权,2014
(3) 吴志根,王刚,孙文鸽,李卓,一种序批式余热回收真空干燥装置,发明专利,中国专利局,,申请公布号:CN103771680A,已授权,2014
(4) 吴志根,韩磊,王刚,孙文鸽,张静思,李卓,一种新型相变蓄热供暖装置,发明专利,中国专利局,申请公布号:CN104390256A,2015,已授权,2017
(5)吴志根,李卓,吴长春,一种浓盐废水的节能浓缩处理装置,发明专利,中国专利局,申请公布号:CN 104925883 A,2015, 已授权,2017