郝柯已发表SCI论文150余篇, 并以第一作者或通讯作者在 Nature Genetics, Nature Communications 等高水平期刊发表论文。被引1.7万余次, H因子: 59。担任一作或通讯作者的10 篇代表性论文:
1. Bayesian method to predict individual SNP genotypes from gene expression data. Nature Genetics. 2012.
2. Genome-wide association study identifies peanut allergy-specific loci and evidence of epigenetic mediation in US children. Nature Communications. 2015.
3. Genome-wide approach identifies a novel gene-maternal pre-pregnancy BMI interaction on preterm birth. Nature Communications. 2017
4. EnsembleCNV: an ensemble machine learning algorithm to identify and genotype copy number variation using SNP array data. Nucleic Acids Research. 2019
5. GIGSEA: Genotype Imputed Gene Set Enrichment Analysis using GWAS Summary Level Data, Bioinformatics, 2019
6. Genome-wide non-HLA donor-recipient genetic differences influence renal allograft survival via early allograft fibrosis. Kidney International. 2020
7. Chronic Exposure to PM2.5 Nitrate, Sulfate, and Ammonium Causes Respiratory System Impairments in Mice, Environmental Science & Technology. 2021
8. Integrative Prioritization of Causal Genes for Coronary Artery Disease. Circulation: Genome and Precision Medicine. 2022
9. Ambient Air Pollutants and Traffic Factors Were Associated with Blood and Urine Biomarkers and Asthma Risk. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022
10. Ethnic disparities in ambient air and traffic-related pollution exposure and ethnic-specific impacts on clinical biomarker levels. Science of The Total Environment. 2023